JFK to 911 everything is a rich mans trick - one of the only documentaries that actually speaks on the real Secret Societies which for most are still a secret.
JFK to 911 (below) is absolutely INCREDIBLE.
If you have not yet seen JFK’s famous speech about secret societies and shadow governments, watch it first. It’s short and succinct. It perfectly ties in to what is revealed in the following film.
The scope, insight, and revelations this investigator has managed to harness.I am as stunned as I was 8 years ago when I first saw Zeitgeist. Although, as time has passed, we’ve been able to pick apart Zeitgeist and expose it’s mis/disinfo. Nevertheless, it has awakened MANY. That said, I will say the same about the video I am sharing here. I’m slightly disappointed by a couple aspects, but generally praise it. The first head scratcher to me is the film maker’s obvious lack understanding of the Holocaust and the propaganda birthed by that event. But I’m not going to go into that right now. It’s also curious why he never mentions anything about Zionism? Nor the Federal Bank? Especially in relation to Kennedy who, like Lincoln before him, tried to End the Fed. Which many claim was another nail in his coffin. Again, we can save that discussion for later because there is PLENTY to eat on the table already. Finally, the creator seemingly paints Kennedy a little more saintly than he should have. Besides his personal foibles, it’s abundantly clear JFK was acting for the greater good. It appears he really did want to try to rid the world of the robber barons, thugs, murderers, mafia, and pirates who CONTINUE to run this planet today. (And are running it into the ground!) I wouldn’t go so far as to say this film is pushing disinfo, per se. But we’ll see. Perhaps Conolly simply bit off enough to chew with this massive undertaking and couldn’t possibly have nailed every aspect. We’ll know for sure as this documentary ages. In the end, this documentary is a simple powerful tool to get people up to speed who are unfamiliar with these concepts.
We can sort them out with the finer details later.One thing for sure is:
Watch the movie...
In one fell swoop, it explains sooo many unanswered questions about some of mankind’s most curious historical chapters. It ties together and explains how countless disparate forces fueled the trajectory of Western civilization from ancient Rome to today. It blows things like the JFK assassination, faked wars, fake religions, and false flags WIDE OPEN.
I swear, I will be incredulous if ANYONE can watch this and still doubt that America, and most of the world has been high jacked by the New World Order. Whomever can not wrap their heads around that after seeing this should be deemed of questionable cognitive ability. A final note. The movie makes no mention of these families either. I find it slightly odd that all but Medici are left out.But whatever. The meat of this film is enough to think about for a while.
* = Most powerful bloodlines the 10 Roman families whose top men sit on the Jesuit Council:
1. Farnese *
2. Borja
3. Colonna
4. Gaetoni
5. Medici
6. Pamphili
7. Orsini *
8. Aldobrandini *
9. Chigi
10. Conti The REAL 13 Illuminati Families:
House of Aldobrandini/Borghese *House of Borja/Borgia
House of Breakspeare *
House of Chigi
House of Colonna/Cologna
House of Conti
House of Farnese/della Rovere *
House of Gaetani/Caetani
House of Merdici/ De Medeci/ Domedici
House of Orsini/Maximus *
House of Pamphili
House of Somaglia *
House of Este Estence
And here is the list of Nobility, the REAL Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati.