Status quo...Mask Police

If the masks work - why the 6 feet - If the 6 feet works why the masks - If they both work why the lockdown - If all three work why the vaccine - If the vaccines are safe, why the no liability clause…

Status quo...Mask Police

If the masks work - why the 6 feet - If the 6 feet works why the masks - If they both work why the lockdown - If all three work why the vaccine - If the vaccines are safe, why the no liability clause…

When you accept this reality, then it makes sense - This will never stop, 1 jab then 2 jabs, then a booster, then strains, then..then then….

Never about health….The acceptance of the status quo...this is the new normal that we have been encouraged to accept. What doe this mean? We are told what to do. We do not challenge anything merely nod our heads and accept it..

Today it seems that anyone wearing a white shirt, black clip-on tie and a smart looking badge has the right to demand you wear a mask…and lately, those that stand at the door of their premises, insisting that you don a mask. these premisses of course are desperate for your patronage...

It’s now become the accepted behaviour to 'frown upon' the 'non wearers'…rather like the smokers or Brexiters in the past. Irrespective of the circumstance of the non-wearer…these misguided individuals believe they are doing the 'right thing', and it's ‘fair game’ by the mask police to point the finger and frown.

In their capacity as un-appointed government representatives without authority or compensation, the mask wearers take it upon themselves to pass judgement - knowing that the other wearers are supporting them in their quest to muzzle everyone…To act or not to act, depends on the size of course of the non-wearer.

But these are the people, our mask police, that wear their masks like a badge of honour, a badge of authority as directed by the government although this government’s guidance changes like the wind...