The Hegelian Dialectic

Breaking Free from the System: How the Hegelian Dialectic Controls Our Lives

Historian William Shirer, in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, p. 144), quoted philosopher Georg Hegel as saying:

“The State has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State… for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.”

In simple terms, this means that the government’s agenda comes before your rights as an individual. Back in 1847, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels took Hegel’s ideas and used them to shape communism. Fast forward to today, and this way of thinking has worked its way into almost every part of our society—politics, the economy, and even the way we think about everyday issues.

The Hegelian dialectic is a trick designed to keep us fighting each other while those in power move their agenda forward. It creates endless conflicts—left vs. right, rich vs. poor, workers vs. business owners, race against race, nation against nation—all leading to pre-planned solutions that benefit the ruling class, not ordinary people. If we don’t recognise this game, we play right into their hands.

Every time we pick a side in one of these staged battles, we’re just helping push things toward the next phase of control. Think about it: the more we argue over politics, the economy, or social issues, the more we stay locked in their system—never questioning who really benefits. The goal isn’t to solve problems, but to keep us divided while they consolidate power.

Look around: the game is rigged. Whether it’s privacy invasions, expanding police powers, land grabs, endless wars, or attacks on personal freedoms, it’s all part of a bigger plan. The only way to win is not to play—to step outside their manufactured conflicts and start thinking for ourselves.

It’s everywhere. From global institutions like the United Nations to local school boards, the same tactics are used to push an agenda. Whether they call it “consensus-building” or “public dialogue,” the goal is the same—control. If persuasion doesn’t work, they turn to fear, intimidation, and censorship. The ultimate endgame? A world government where real freedom is gone.

How does this affect you? Look at how every major issue today forces people into opposing sides:

• Workers vs. Business Owners – Instead of both pushing back against government overreach, they fight each other.

• Democrats vs. Republicans – While we argue, they both keep expanding government power.

• Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice – While we debate, they pass laws that increase state control.

• War Hawks vs. Peace Activists – While we take sides, the war machine marches on.

It’s the same playbook every time—get people emotionally invested, make them fight, then introduce a “solution” that advances the bigger agenda. The truth is, both sides are controlled, and if we keep falling for it, nothing will change.

So what’s the way out? Stop playing their game. When we reject their forced choices, we regain the power to think and act freely. The system only works if we stay divided. The moment we step outside their framework, we take back control of our lives, our communities, and our futures.

It’s time to cut the strings and start thinking for ourselves.