What on earth happened..

The documentary covers topics such as the origin and shape of the Earth, the architecture and culture of ancient civilizations.

What on earth happened..

This is a series of videos that will stop you in your tracks. It will slowly get under your skin until you'll end up questioning pretty much most of what you've been taught from your first days at school.

The documentary covers topics such as the origin and shape of the Earth, the architecture and culture of ancient civilisations, the mystery of Tartaria and the mud flood, the existence and nature of free energy, the role and influence of secret societies, and the manipulation and distortion of historical narratives by the elite.

The documentary is based on the research and analysis of Ewar Anon, an anonymous researcher who dedicates his time and skills to uncovering the truth about earths past.

The documentary was released for free on the Internet in 2021 and 2022 and has received millions of views on various platforms."

Watch the full series now...

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